Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well after 3 1/2 years I may finally get justice when it comes to Child Support.. See my ex thinks it's something he can pay whenever he feels like it and lady justice has decided that's not ok with her.. I've been on the state for 3 years to try and get them to help me.. To my excitement this weekend I got paperwork they are going to take him to court for contempt! WOOOO HOOOOOO!

I'm hoping this lites a fire under his lazy ass and gets him to pay. See he has a silver spoon in his mouth thanks to his parents and has basically had most of what he's had in life handed to him on a silver platter..

Keep your fingers crossed folks, cause if I start getting support maybe I won't have to work 50+ hours every week.. And when I'm off for the weekend I can actually take the whole day off ;-)..

1 comment:

Amy~~ said...

All that he has done (and NOT done) will bite him in the butt soon,wait and see!

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